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Ready or not, spring is here in the Pacific Northwest.   Unusually mild weather in February has brought on the flowers three weeks ahead of their normal blooming time.  Here at our farm we now have an unprecedented number of daffodil varieties already in bloom.  We normally only see three different varieties in bloom by the time we usually open on March 1st. But right now, Feb. 24, we have ten varieties available in our retail store.  Most of our customers are asking us if this is the earliest we have ever opened with our cut daffodils, and the answer is "yes".  We were able to open our doors on February 12th this season.  At first we were concerned that the nice weather would quickly disappear, as is common this early, but the warmer temperatures have continued and the flowers just keep on coming.  Of course, no one is complaining about the weather, the selection, or the early season!  The first blooming daffodils of any season are a beacon of hope that our dark winter is nearly over!

The next question we are asked is, "When are the cut tulips going to be available?".  I don't have an answer to that for now but if the weather continues to stay warmer than normal we could see the first tulips in about three weeks.  YIKES!!  That would be a new record too!   I'm really hoping we see the temperatures cool down a little bit stretch the flower season out more. 

This season we are excited to announce that we are working with the Grays Harbor Farmers Market in Hoquiam to offer our cut daffodils at their location for same low cost as here at the farm...$1.50 per 10 stem bunch.  This gives our customers from Aberdeen, Hoquiam, and beyond an opportunity to pick up these seasonal boquets of sunshine closer to home, rather than drive out to our farm.  We are thrilled to work with the market and thank the market's manager, Barbara Bennett Parsons, for her personal attention to this opportunity.  Farmers markets are a wonderful addition to any community.  If by chance, you have not visited this market, you should check it out!  Markets are also ever changing throughout the spring, summer, and fall seasons so it is really neccessary to schedule return visits to be sure you don't miss out on the next fresh and exciting product. The Hoquiam market is open Wednesday through Sunday.

If you have daffodils coming up in your yard be sure to keep an eye out for slugs as they love to munch on the buds and flowers, leaving only unrecognizable portions of the flowers for you.  Slug bait is best to keep them at bay.  There are several types on the market... some are safer than others to use if you have pets around.  The old trick of ammonia mixed in water and sprayed on the foliage works fine too, but you have to be persistant.  And of course there's the "beer" trap... but why waste beer on slugs?   Each to their own.  Find what works best for you.

That's what is happening here at the Satsop Bulb Farm. Hope all is well for you!  Stop by if you are out this way, the display gardens are beginning to show color. 

-- Kris